Friday, June 02, 2006

Flying-by Posting

Just a quick update for now. I am trying to avoid facing all the things going on right now.
Mike goes back to Korea next Friday. I have to figure out how to pay a $500 deductible on my van as well as $1200 tuition for my summer session of school. My BABY is in kindergarten! They started summer school Wednesday. I can’t believe she is riding the BUS! Oh, and that addition we wanted to put on the house?! It’s looking like about $50K+… ugh.. No one wants to “come this far out” to do the work. We are only about 25 miles from town. But, ok. I guess the time just isn’t right for it now.
Mike and I went out to lunch yesterday. Then we went to a movie last night. It was nice to just be out with him. We are taking the kids out to dinner tonight and to the Game X-change. They are thrilled. We have been really enjoying having him back home. Even though the time is limited. We’ll take what we can get!

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